June 26th, 2010
Today i'm starting a new poll on Ipgp.net . This will be about operating systems. If you care about your security, the operating system can be decisive. If you have a very popular operating system you expect to see a wider range of viruses created for you. If the operating system is not popular then probably virus creators don't waste their time to create programs to exploit the vulnerabilities.
Few years ago we had a lot of security problems with windows XP, caused by the weak security measures from the operating system. That was bad and happened at about 2-3 years from the launch. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: os, Security, windows Posted in Security | No Comments »
June 26th, 2010
According to a poll that run on Ipgp.net for over 3 months more than 50% of Ipgp.net users had problems with viruses in the last year. This, taking into account that 17% don't know that a virus is, that may led us think that they wasn't aware that they had viruses.
A good thing is 25% of our users never experienced problems with viruses. I hope it was not an answer based on a high self-confidence, or they may had viruses they weren't aware of. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: anti-virus, kaspersky, protection, Security Posted in General, Security | No Comments »
April 2nd, 2010
You got a new computer, or you want to buy a new computer. This means that you are interested in testing your old computer and it's performance to know if you need to move one. You have to test the performance of the new computer.
What to do ? Well, depends on what you want to test. If you are interested in a single aspect you can open 20 programs and see how fast opens them all. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: benchmark, software, test Posted in Tools | No Comments »
April 1st, 2010
In order to stop the Google domination Microsoft and Apple comes to an agreement. Whatis the proglem with Google? Google started to get into everything: internet, operating systems, phones, everywhere.
It is not enough that they lead the internet, they really want to get both Microsoft and Apple out of business.
Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: Apple, hardware, microsoft, software Posted in General | No Comments »
March 30th, 2010
Windows 7 was launched last year. During this time the PC users had a a question in mind: "It is time to move on?"
My time has not arrived. My choice is Windows XP so far. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: software, system, windows Posted in windows | No Comments »
March 29th, 2010
You know that windows have serious flaws, but not those are the ones that got exploited most of the time.
The windows alone is useless. What to do? Play Solitaire whole day ?
You have to install programs to do you work, to play music, movies, etc. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: exploits, software, viruses Posted in Security | No Comments »
March 27th, 2010
The problem with viruses is that once you get one it is hard to clean the computer. You have to install windows again.
Installing windows again and again is a pain. You have to save all your personal documents, files, etc. And that's not all: bookmarks, saved passwords. Some of the info can't be preserved.
That is why it is much better to prevent that to suffer consequences. Better safe than sorry. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: antivirus, internet security, Security Posted in Security, Uncategorized | No Comments »
March 25th, 2010
In October last year i've implemented Ipgp Application Programming Interface ( API ). Website owners can use data provided by Ipgp to extract information about IP addresses, or to show the flag to their visitors.
I was reticent about the impact that the API will have and i thought no one will use it, but after the settling time i am surprised of it's usage. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: api, ip address lookup Posted in Ip address, Ipgp | No Comments »
March 24th, 2010
Cleaning can make things work better. Think about your work desk. If you have all stuff messed around your work desk, it will be very hard to find what you need. You have to spend time to move all the things to find what you are looking for.
Not a good environment to work. The same applies to your computer. If it runs so many unneeded processes it will be hard to find resources for the main ones. If everything is messed it will be hard to find something. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: computers, software, windows Posted in windows | No Comments »
March 23rd, 2010
When you have to look for a hosting company you look at features that you get. The main things are bandwidth, space, mysql databases, domains allowed.
While those are the main features of a web hosting, there are others that have to be checked. Most people ignore them because they think they are not so important, but they are. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: computers, hostgator, hosting, internet security, server, software, website Posted in Webmasters | No Comments »
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